English Programme

First prepared in 2011

Our English Programme has been specially curated to help students develop a strong foundation in English.

Our English Language Programme aims to build a strong foundation and enrich our students’ language learning so that they can use English language to communicate effectively and with confidence.Our main objective is to support our students in acquiring the language skill successfully to achieve excellence in their school and eventually the national examinations. The PSLE English language examination format is explicitly made known to the students as it is important that they are aware of how to prepare for the assessments and what needs to be considered for succeeding in the examinations.

Our programme entails explicit teaching of grammar and vocabulary. The materials are meticulously designed to aid in the teaching of grammar rules and conventions with clear examples provided. As a follow-up, worksheets are given to check students’ understanding. Students are also exposed to rich texts ranging from a variety of genres so that there is a plethora of vocabulary usage. A strong foundation in both grammar and vocabulary is what we want our students to be enriched with.

As the programme progresses, students are taught comprehension, writing and oral skills to enhance their language acquisition. In order to express oneself effectively, it is essential that students acquire reading, writing and listening skills. Thus, our programme encompasses a holistic approach in teaching English language so that our students are well equipped not only to be assessed but eventually become effective communicators of the language.

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